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데이터 엔지니어(세번째 이야기)

by CleanCoder 2021. 9. 16.

Writing Efficient Python Code


1. Foundations for efficiencies

unpacking : 여러개의 객체를 포함하고 있는 하나의 객체를 풀어줌 (* 사용)

# Create a range object that goes from 0 to 5
nums = range(0,6)

# Convert nums to a list
nums_list = list(nums)

# Create a new list of odd numbers from 1 to 11 by unpacking a range object
nums_list2 = [*range(1,13,2)]

enumerate 실습

# Rewrite the for loop to use enumerate
indexed_names = []
for i, name in enumerate(names):
    index_name = (i,name)

# Rewrite the above for loop using list comprehension
indexed_names_comp = [(index_name,indexed_names) for i,name in enumerate(names)]

# Unpack an enumerate object with a starting index of one
indexed_names_unpack = [*enumerate(names, 1)]

map 자료형으로 names str.upper 표현

# Use map to apply str.upper to each element in names
names_map  = map(str.upper, names )

# Print the type of the names_map

# Unpack names_map into a list
names_uppercase = [*names_map]

# Print the list created above

numpy 실습


numpy : numpy array는 동종 데이터 유형(메모리 소비량을 줄임)을 포함하며 broadcast를 통해 모든 요소에 연산을 적용할 수 있는 기능을 제공

# Print second row of nums

# Print all elements of nums that are greater than six
print(nums[nums > 6])

# Double every element of nums
nums_dbl = nums * 2

# Replace the third column of nums
nums[:,2] = nums[:,2] + 1


# Create a list of arrival times
arrival_times = [*range(10,60,10)]

# Convert arrival_times to an array and update the times
arrival_times_np = np.array(arrival_times)
new_times = arrival_times_np - 3

# Use list comprehension and enumerate to pair guests to new times
guest_arrivals = [(names[i],time) for i,time in enumerate(new_times)]

# Map the welcome_guest function to each (guest,time) pair
welcome_map = map(welcome_guest, guest_arrivals)

guest_welcomes = [*welcome_map]
print(*guest_welcomes, sep='\n')


2. Timing and profiling code


python 코드의 시간을 재는 방법

%timeit 내장 함수를 이용하여 런타임 시간을 잴 수 있음.

-r 옵션 : 런타임

-n 옵션 : 루프

ex) %timeit -r5 -n25 set(heroes)


list() 보다 [] 가 더 빠르다.



%lprun 사용의 총 시간과 %timeit 사용의 시간이 일치하지 않을 수 있다.

%timeit은 시간의 평균 및 표준 편차를 계산하기 위해 여러 루프를 사용하므로 실행되는 시간이 정확하게 일치하지 않을 수 있다.


3. Gaining efficiencies

zip 실습

# Combine five items from names and three items from primary_types
differing_lengths = [*zip(names[:5], primary_types[:3])]

print(*differing_lengths, sep='\n')

Counter 실습

# Collect the count of primary types
type_count = Counter(primary_types)
print(type_count, '\n')

# Collect the count of generations
gen_count = Counter(generations)
print(gen_count, '\n')

# Use list comprehension to get each Pokémon's starting letter
starting_letters = [name[:1] for name in names]

# Collect the count of Pokémon for each starting_letter
starting_letters_count = Counter(starting_letters)


combination 실습

# Import combinations from itertools
from itertools import combinations

# Create a combination object with pairs of Pokémon
combos_obj = combinations(pokemon, 2)
print(type(combos_obj), '\n')

# Convert combos_obj to a list by unpacking
combos_2 = [*combos_obj]
print(combos_2, '\n')

# Collect all possible combinations of 4 Pokémon directly into a list
combos_4 = [*combinations(pokemon, 4)]


set 실습

# Convert both lists to sets
ash_set = set(ash_pokedex)
misty_set = set(misty_pokedex)

# Find the Pokémon that exist in both sets
both = ash_set.intersection(misty_set)

# Find the Pokémon that Ash has and Misty does not have
ash_only = ash_set.difference(misty_set)

# Find the Pokémon that are in only one set (not both)
unique_to_set = ash_set.symmetric_difference(misty_set)


# Convert Brock's Pokédex to a set
brock_pokedex_set = set(brock_pokedex)

# Check if Psyduck is in Ash's list and Brock's set
print('Psyduck' in ash_pokedex)
print('Psyduck' in brock_pokedex_set)

# Check if Machop is in Ash's list and Brock's set
print('Machop' in ash_pokedex)
print('Machop' in brock_pokedex_set)


# Use find_unique_items() to collect unique Pokémon names
uniq_names_func = find_unique_items(names)

# Convert the names list to a set to collect unique Pokémon names
uniq_names_set = set(names)

# Check that both unique collections are equivalent
print(sorted(uniq_names_func) == sorted(uniq_names_set))


# Use find_unique_items() to collect unique Pokémon names
uniq_names_func = find_unique_items(names)

# Convert the names list to a set to collect unique Pokémon names
uniq_names_set = set(names)

# Check that both unique collections are equivalent
print(sorted(uniq_names_func) == sorted(uniq_names_set))

# Use the best approach to collect unique primary types and generations
uniq_types = set(primary_types) 
uniq_gens = set(generations)
print(uniq_types, uniq_gens, sep='\n')


# Collect Pokémon that belong to generation 1 or generation 2
gen1_gen2_pokemon = [name for name,gen in zip(poke_names, poke_gens) if gen < 3]

# Create a map object that stores the name lengths
name_lengths_map = map(len, gen1_gen2_pokemon)

# Combine gen1_gen2_pokemon and name_lengths_map into a list
gen1_gen2_name_lengths = [*zip(gen1_gen2_pokemon, name_lengths_map)]



# Create a total stats array
total_stats_np = stats.sum(axis=1)

# Create an average stats array
avg_stats_np = stats.mean(axis=1)

# Combine names, total_stats_np, and avg_stats_np into a list
poke_list_np = [*zip(names, total_stats_np, avg_stats_np)]

print(poke_list_np == poke_list, '\n')
print(poke_list[:3], '\n')
top_3 = sorted(poke_list_np, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:3]
print('3 strongest Pokémon:\n{}'.format(top_3))

# Import Counter
from collections import Counter

# Collect the count of each generation
gen_counts = Counter(generations)

# Improve for loop by moving one calculation above the loop
total_count = len(generations)

for gen,count in gen_counts.items():
    gen_percent = round(count / total_count * 100, 2)
    print('generation {}: count = {:3} percentage = {}'
          .format(gen, count, gen_percent))


# Collect all possible pairs using combinations()
possible_pairs = [*combinations(pokemon_types, 2)]

# Create an empty list called enumerated_tuples
enumerated_tuples = []

# Add a line to append each enumerated_pair_tuple to the empty list above
for i,pair in enumerate(possible_pairs, 1):
    enumerated_pair_tuple = (i,) + pair

# Convert all tuples in enumerated_tuples to a list
enumerated_pairs = [*map(list, enumerated_tuples)]



# Calculate the total HP avg and total HP standard deviation
hp_avg = hps.mean()
hp_std = hps.std()

# Use NumPy to eliminate the previous for loop
z_scores = (hps - hp_avg)/hp_std

# Combine names, hps, and z_scores
poke_zscores2 = [*zip(names, hps, z_scores)]
print(*poke_zscores2[:3], sep='\n')

# Use list comprehension with the same logic as the highest_hp_pokemon code block
highest_hp_pokemon = [(name, hp, zscore) for name,hp,zscore in poke_zscores2 if zscore > 2]
print(*highest_hp_pokemon, sep='\n')




4. Basic pandas optimizations


# Print the row and type of each row
for row_tuple in pit_df.iterrows():



# Create an empty list to store run differentials
run_diffs = []

# Write a for loop and collect runs allowed and runs scored for each row
for i,row in giants_df.iterrows():
    runs_scored = row['RS']
    runs_allowed = row['RA']
    # Use the provided function to calculate run_diff for each row
    run_diff = calc_run_diff(runs_scored, runs_allowed)
    # Append each run differential to the output list

giants_df['RD'] = run_diffs


ittertuple 실습

# Loop over the DataFrame and print each row's Index, Year and Wins (W)
for row in rangers_df.itertuples():
  i = row.Index
  year = row.Year
  wins = row.W
  # Check if rangers made Playoffs (1 means yes; 0 means no)
  if row.Playoffs == 1:
    print(i, year, wins)


# Convert numeric playoffs to text by applying text_playoffs()
textual_playoffs = rays_df.apply(lambda row: text_playoffs(row['Playoffs']), axis=1)



win_perc_preds_loop = []

# Use a loop and .itertuples() to collect each row's predicted win percentage
for row in baseball_df.itertuples():
    runs_scored = row.RS
    runs_allowed = row.RA
    win_perc_pred = predict_win_perc(runs_scored, runs_allowed)

# Apply predict_win_perc to each row of the DataFrame
win_perc_preds_apply = baseball_df.apply(lambda row: predict_win_perc(row['RS'], row['RA']), axis=1)

# Calculate the win percentage predictions using NumPy arrays
win_perc_preds_np = predict_win_perc(baseball_df['RS'].values, baseball_df['RA'].values)
baseball_df['WP_preds'] = win_perc_preds_np



